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Contoh Passive Voice - 27/10/2020, 18:30 WIB
Risky Guswindari ,
Nibras Nada Nailufar

Tim Redaksi – Contoh kalimat passive voice bisa kita temui di kehidupan sehari-hari. Simak contoh kalimat passive voice berikut ini:

Menurut Cambridge Dictionary, passive voice is the relationship between a subject and a verb in which the subject receives the action of the verb.

Passive voice merupakan suatu hubungan antara subjek dan kata kerja di mana subjek menerima tindakan dari kata kerja.

Berikut contoh passive voice yang diubah dari active voice:

Tense Active Passive Terjemahan
Present simple I watch a movie. A movie is watched. Sebuah film ditonton.
Present continuous I am watching a movie. A movie is being watched. Sebuah film sedang ditonton.
Past simple I watched a movie. A movie was watched. Sebuah film ditonton.
Past continuous I was watching a movie. A movie was being watched. Sebuah film sedang ditonton.
Present perfect I have watched a movie. A movie has been watched. Sebuah film telah ditonton.
Past perfect I had watched a movie. A movie had been watched. Sebuah film telah ditonton.
Future simple I will watch a movie. A movie will be watched. Sebuah film akan ditonton.
Future be going to I am going to watch a movie. A movie is going to be watched. Sebuah film akan ditonton.
Modal I must watch a movie. A movie must be watched. Sebuah film harus ditonton.
Modal perfect I should have watched a movie. A movie should have been watched. Sebuah film seharusnya sudah ditonton.

Contoh kalimat passive voice lainnya:

  1. The story is written by me. / Cerita ini ditulis olehku.
  2. The flowers are being watered. / Bunga ini sedang disiram.
  3. My bread was eaten by my sister. / Rotiku dimakan oleh adikku.
  4. My computer was being repaired. / Komputerku sedang diperbaiki.
  5. The book has been sold. / Bukunya sudah terjual.
  6. This phone had been used by my father. / Ponsel ini pernah digunakan ayahku.
  7. A new mall will be built. / Sebuah mall baru akan dibangun.
  8. This short film is going to be released tomorrow. / Film pendek ini akan dirilis besok.
  9. This assignment must be done today. / Tugas ini harus diselesaikan hari ini.
  10. The project should have been done. / Proyek ini seharusnya sudah dikerjakan.
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