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Begini Rupa Modern Tokoh Sejarah Ratu Mesir Nefertiti hingga Mona Lisa - 11/05/2020, 09:00 WIB
Yohana Artha Uly,
Gloria Setyvani Putri

Tim Redaksi

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Happy Valentines day! It’s only fitting to do Venus from Botticelli’s famous “The Birth of Venus”, painted during the height of the Italian Renaissance. The model for Venus is the gorgeous Simotta Vespucci, one of the artist’s muses. I think she’s one of the most beautiful females ever painted - do you think anyone tops her? Swipe to see a sneak peak of the creation video for this one, which is now live for Patreon supporters! . . As always, if you would like to support you can do so by joining the Patreon ( or I have a “Tip Jar” here at www.paypalme/royaltynow. Any help is much appreciated. . . Left Image: Public Domain, Right Image base: with permission, @LesFleursduMallory and Gregg Thorne (

A post shared by @ royalty_now_ on Feb 14, 2020 at 9:22am PST

Pada hari Valentine, Saladin membagikan sebuah karyanya hasil rekonstruksi dari lukisan terkenal Sandro Botticelli tahun 1485 yang menggambarkan “Kelahiran Venus”, menunjukkan kedatangan dewi cinta dan keindahan di Pulau Cyprus.

Baca juga: Lukisan Dinding Berusia 44.000 Tahun Ditemukan di Gua Sulawesi Selatan

4. Genghis Kahn

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Here we are with Genghis Khan, one of the most fascinating rulers in history and the founder of the Mongol Empire. Genghis was also responsible for millions of deaths. This was one that was requested many times over the past week. This is the only portrait of Genghis Khan that was supervised by someone who knew what he looked like - his grandson Khubilai Khan. There are no contemporary portraits of him. Similar to the depiction of Cleopatra, there are differing descriptions on what his coloring was. Some claimed he had red hair and green eyes, others claimed he had features very similar to East Asian populations today. I have to admit - this one challenged me and stretched my skills. This was the oldest and most stylized portrait I’ve ever worked from. Let me know what you think in the comments below! . If you’re interested in a time lapse video of how I created this piece, keep an eye out for my Patreon launch announcement coming this week! ???? . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: . #GenghisKhan #MongolEmperor #MongolEmpire #Mongols #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Khubilai Khan#Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #AsianArt #AsianArtHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

A post shared by @ royalty_now_ on Jan 31, 2020 at 8:54am PST

Ini adalah potret dari pendiri kerajaan Mongol, Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan dikenal sebagai pemimpin kejam yang bertanggungjawab atas jutaan kematian selama abad ke-12.

Semasa dia hidup, Genghis Khan melarang siapapun melukis atau membuat patung mirip dirinya.

“Mirip dengan penggambaran Cleopatra, ada deskripsi yang berbeda tentang pewarnaannya. Ada beberapa klaim tentang Genghis Khan. Ada yang mengatakan, dia memiliki rambut warna merah dan mata warna hijau, yang lain mengklaim dia memiliki bentuk wajah mirip dengan masyarakat Asia Timur saat ini,” kata Saladin.

5. Abraham Lincoln

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A lot of you requested Abraham Lincoln when I asked last week - this one came together so nicely. As most of you know, Abe Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. He preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the U.S. economy. . I personally don’t see any modern doppelganger - I think he was a really unique looking person. Who do you all think he looks like? . Colorization for left image goes to Marina Amaral (@marinaarts), and Universal History Archive.

A post shared by @ royalty_now_ on Dec 31, 2019 at 9:08am PST

Presiden ke-16 Amerika Serikat ini menjabat sejak Maret 1861 hingga dia dibunuh pada April 1865.

Lincoln memimpin AS keluar dari perang saudara, mempertahankan persatuan bangsa, dan menghapuskan perbudakan hingga memodernisasi ekonomi AS.

6. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin merupakan salah satu Bapak Pendiri Amerika Serikat. Dia juga salah seorang pemimpin Revolusi Amerika.

7. Mona Lisa

Saladin mengakui salah satu wajah paling terkenal di dunia adalah Mona Lisa. Dia merekonstruksi penampilan Mona Lisa dari lukisan karya Leonardo da Vinci pada abad ke-16.

Baca juga: Punya Masalah Ini, Leonardo Da Vinci Tak Rampungkan Lukisan Mona Lisa

8. Henry VIII

Saladin juga berhasil mengubah penampilan Raja Inggris Henry VIII menjadi kekinian.

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