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75 Ucapan dan Twibbon Hari Kanker Sedunia 4 Februari 2024 - 04/02/2024, 07:30 WIB
Laksmi Pradipta Amaranggana,
Rizal Setyo Nugroho

Tim Redaksi - Hari Kanker Sedunia atau World Cancer Day diperingati pada 4 Februari setiap tahunnya.

Dikutip dari laman resmi Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), pada 2022, diperkirakan terdapat 20 juta kasus kanker di seluruh dunia.

Tak hanya itu, pada 2022 juga terdapat 9,7 juta kasus kematian akibat kanker dan diperkirakan 1 dari 5 orang di dunia sedang atau pernah menderita kanker selama hidupnya.

Menurut WHO, hanya ada 39 persen negara yang dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan inti yang baik untuk merawat penyintas kanker.

Oleh karena itu, Hari Kanker Sedunia diperingati untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, pendidikan, dan tindakan terkait dengan penyakit kanker di seluruh dunia.

Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang bahaya dari kanker, masyarakat dapat menyebarkan pesan kebaikan dan memberikan semangat melalui ucapan dan memasang twibbon Hari Kanker Sedunia 2024.

Masyarakat yang ingin merayakan Hari Kanker Sedunia dapat mengirimkan ucapan dan semangat kepada penyintas kanker di media sosial.

Baca juga: Sejarah dan Ucapan Hari Kanker Sedunia 2024

Baca juga: Kanker Payudara: Penyebab, Gejala, dan Faktor Risikonya

Ucapan Hari Kanker Sedunia

Dihimpun dari berbagai sumber, berikut kumpulan ucapan untuk memeringati Hari Kanker Sedunia tahun ini.

  1. Enjoy every little thing in the world, so the big things like cancer will never defeat you. Let’s spread awareness on World Cancer Day 2024!
  2. Cancer is a deadly disease that is taking thousands of lives every day. On this World Cancer Day, spread as much knowledge as you can so that people will be saved from this disastrous and fatal disease.
  3. On this World Cancer Day, I wish you a speedy recovery. May you live long.
  4. I wish a lot of strength and power to all the cancer survivors. May God grant courage to their family and loved ones.
  5. Cancer does not have the power to kill you until you allow it to do so. Stay strong and stay happy.
  6. Never let the disease control you or your life because you are gifted with the willpower to fight against all the odds.
  7. Let us add more meaning to World Cancer Day by creating more awareness about it... Let us end Cancer from all our lives!
  8. Sending you lots of prayers and good wishes on this World Cancer Day. You have been a real hero in your journey.
  9. Sending you peace and comfort during this difficult time. May you find strength in the memories you shared. ?
  10. Sending strength and hope to all those fighting cancer, and remembering those we've lost. ?
  11. Remembering your loved one with love and light. Their spirit lives on in the hearts of those who knew them.
  12. Together, we can close the care gap and ensure everyone has access to the cancer treatment they deserve. #CloseTheCareGap
  13. Every day is a victory, and you are an inspiration to us all. Keep fighting!
  14. Let's celebrate progress in cancer research and treatment, and continue working towards a cancer-free future.
  15. Thinking of you today and sending positive thoughts and well wishes. May you find strength and comfort in the love and support around you.
  16. May your journey be filled with courage, resilience, and unwavering support. Sending love and prayers.
  17. You are incredibly strong and brave, and you are not alone in this fight. We're here for you every step of the way.
  18. The occasion of World Cancer Day reminds us all that we all are together in this fight against cancer and we must conquer it together. Happy World Cancer Day.
  19. Never let the disease control you or your life because you are gifted with the willpower to fight against all the odds…. Wishing you an inspirational Cancer Day 2024.
  20. “If we are going to surrender ourselves to cancer then we will never be able to win back our health and wellness. Happy World Cancer Day.
  21. Let us add more meaning to World Cancer Day by creating more awareness about it... Let us end Cancer from all our lives!
  22. Cancer does not have the power to kill you until you allow it to do so. Stay strong and stay happy. Happy World Cancer Day.
  23. The fact is that more people fight cancer and live beyond it compared to the people who die with it... Never lose on your hopes.
  24. Cancer does not mean that life has come to an end. Let us give cancer a tough fight.
  25. On World Cancer Day, let us promise to never surrender or let anyone else surrender to this disease.
  26. Cancer is just like any other challenge we face in our lives and we must never give up to it... Let us fight and be a winner.
  27. Never let the disease control you or your life because you are gifted with the willpower to fight against all the odds.
  28. The fact is that more people fight cancer and live beyond it compared to the people who die with it... Never lose on your hopes.
  29. The courage that takes you one moment to another says a lot about you as a person. Sending thoughts and prayers on your way on this world cancer day.
  30. Cancer does not have the power to kill you until you allow it to do so. Stay strong and stay happy.
  31. Having Cancer doesn't mean it is the ending, have the authority and fight your way out with a big bright smile and warrior's heart.
  32. Cancer can never have you because you are much more than that. Be aware and stand tall against this disease.
  33. Enjoy every little thing in the world, so the big things like cancer will never defeat you. Let’s spread awareness on world cancer day!
  34. Let us add more meaning to World Cancer Day by creating more awareness about it... Let us end Cancer from all our lives!
  35. Cancer does not mean that life has come to an end. Let us give cancer a tough fight.
  36. Let us stand together against cancer. If we work together, we can conquer the deadly disease of cancer.
  37. Let the flame of awareness ignite a wildfire of change, transforming the landscape of cancer care worldwide.
  38. Embrace hope and resilience; cancer may test the body, but the spirit is unbreakable.
  39. In every battle against cancer, there is a symphony of courage playing in the hearts of survivors.
  40. In unity, we find strength. Together, we can conquer cancer and its challenges.
  41. Be a beacon of support, lighting the way for those traversing the challenging terrain of cancer.
  42. Every small act of kindness contributes to the colossal fight against cancer.
  43. The ripple effect of kindness reaches far beyond the confines of a cancer diagnosis.
  44. Cancer does not define us, our courage and determination do.
  45. Cancer may cast a shadow, but the light of hope dispels the darkness.
  46. Let compassion guide our actions as we navigate the path towards a cancer-free world.
  47. The human spirit, like a phoenix, rises from the ashes of cancer, resilient and stronger than ever.
  48. Empathy speaks louder than words, providing solace to those touched by cancer.
  49. Our shared commitment to cancer awareness is the compass that points towards a brighter future.
  50. A world without cancer is not just a dream; it's a goal worth pursuing with unwavering determination.
  51. Let compassion guide our actions as we navigate the path towards a cancer-free world.
  52. Within the heart of adversity, the seeds of courage flourish.
  53. The journey may be arduous, but within it lies the potential for unparalleled strength and growth.
  54. Let each diagnosis ignite a spark of resilience that fuels the journey to recovery.
  55. Behind every statistic is a unique story of resilience and triumph over cancer.
  56. Cancer may knock on the door, but it's our choice whether to let it in.
  57. Each act of support is a building block in the foundation of a world without cancer.
  58. Through shared understanding, we create a community that supports every step of the cancer journey.
  59. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of cancer, replacing fear with courage and despair with hope.
  60. The strength of the human spirit is a force that cancer cannot diminish.
  61. Life after cancer is not just a continuation but a testament to the indomitable will to live.
  62. Kindness is the balm that heals the wounds inflicted by cancer.
  63. The power of awareness transforms ignorance into empathy, shaping a more compassionate world.
  64. Every story of survival is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.
  65. Celebrate each milestone, for every step towards recovery is a victory against cancer.
  66. In the face of cancer, let love be the driving force that propels us forward.
  67. Today, we stand united, resilient in our determination to outshine the shadows cast by cancer.
  68. As we stand together on World Cancer Day, let our collective strength echo with the promise of a brighter, cancer-free tomorrow.
  69. Life's most profound lessons often emerge from the crucible of a cancer journey.
  70. Let the light of hope pierce through the darkest clouds of cancer, illuminating the path ahead.
  71. Every sunrise symbolizes a new day to conquer fears and overcome the challenges of cancer.
  72. The power of unity transforms the fight against cancer into a formidable force of change.
  73. Our collective strength is an unstoppable force against the tide of cancer's adversity.
  74. The battle against cancer is not solitary; it is a shared endeavor, fought hand in hand.
  75. The human spirit, like a resilient flower, blooms amidst the harshest conditions of cancer.

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