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Contoh Teks Deskripsi tentang Kebun Binatang – Kebun binatang adalah obyek wisata yang mengajarkan masyarakat secara langsung tentang keberagaman satwa.

Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan tentang kebun binatang beserta karakteristik hewannya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Please describe about zoo!

Berikut contoh teks deskripsi tentang kebun binatang:

As a tourist attraction, the zoo is visited by many people. A zoo is a place where animals are kept. The man who takes care the animals in the zoo is called a zookeeper.

Zoos can be a means of education about animals. There are many animals in the zoo, for example, horses, and elephants. tigers, monkeys, deer, and many others. In the zoo, there are also various attractions that can be seen.

Apart from that, at the zoo, you can feed and take pictures with the animals. The zoo is a fun place.


Sebagai obyek wisata, kebun binatang ramai dikunjungi oleh banyak orang. Kebun binatang adalah tempat hewan dipelihara. Orang yang menjaga binatang di kebun binatang disebut zookeeper.

Kebun binatang dapat menjadi sarana edukasi mengenai satwa. Ada banyak hewan di kebun binatang, contohnya kuda, gajah. harimau, monyet, rusa, dan lain-lain. Di kebun binatang juga ada banyak atraksi yang dapat dilihat.

Selain itu, di kebun binatang, kita bisa memberi makan dan berfoto para binatang. Kebun binatang adalah tempat yang menyenangkan.

Please describe the animals zoo (Habitat, Food, Activity, Characteristic)!

Berikut deskripsi tentang karakteristik, habitat, dan makanan hewan di kebun binatang:

  • Tigers (Harimau)
    • Habitat: Tigers live in lowland forests to mountain forests and also live in many unprotected places
    • Food: Tigers eat meats and sometimes eat grasses
    • Activity: Tigers can running, jumping and swimming
    • Characterictics: Tigers have stripes in their body.
  • Bears (Beruang)
    • Habitat: Forest bear live in Asia, Afghanistan, and several Japanese’s island
    • Food: They eat some fruit, nuts, fish and even animals like rats
    • Activity: They will hibernate during summer
    • Characterictics: They have sharp nails, dense fur, has a small tail, excellent sense of smell and hearing.
  • Monkeys (Monyet)
    • Habitat: Monkeys can be found on the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australian
    • Food: Monkeys eat fruits, nuts, vegetables, and sometimes insects
    • Activity: They likes climb and swing through the trees and branches
    • Characterictics: Monkeys have have feet, hands, and fingers like humans.

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