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Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris - 01/07/2022, 09:25 WIB
Taufieq Renaldi Arfiansyah,
Sari Hardiyanto

Tim Redaksi

3. Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang simpel

Jakarta, 30 June 2022

Attention To

[Nama pejabat yang dituju]
[Posisi pejabat tersebut]
[Alamat perusahaan]

Dear [nama pejabat],

Based on the advertisement on a [informasi lowongan berasal], there is information about the job vacancy in PT. XXX as a [posisi yang dilamar].

I am a graduate from [lulus jurusan dan asal universitas]. I had the experience of [tuliskan pengalaman kerja sebelumnya].

My experience will certainly be useful when used in the professional world. Responsible, honest, and professional are the usual things I do during my job as [bidang keahlian pelamar]. I mastered [kemampuan yang dikuasai]. I want to develop my career path and improve my professional work.

In conjunction with this letter, I attach a portfolio, a photocopy of the diploma, a photocopy of ID CARD, and a list of live history for consideration to accept me at the company you are lead.

If you are interested in the portfolio that I submit, then I will welcome the Happy interview Opportunity offered to me with a predetermined time and date.

For your attention and discretion, I would like to thank you.


[Tanda tangan dan nama terang]

Baca juga: 8 Sekolah Kedinasan, Lulus Bisa Jadi CPNS hingga Biaya Pendidikan Gratis

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