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Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris - 01/07/2022, 09:25 WIB
Taufieq Renaldi Arfiansyah,
Sari Hardiyanto

Tim Redaksi

I’ve read your job vacancy at [informasi lowongan berasal] and I found your Company is looking for employees for the [posisi yang dilamar] position. I believe that position is fitted with my specialty from my educational background in [latar belakang pendidikan].

My name is [nama pelamar], and I’m [umur] years old. I graduated from [lulus jurusan dan asal universitas]. My Specializations is [bidang keahlian]. I make sure I have the qualifications as your company needs. I’ve good motivation, I can work together with the team, my communication is really good, and my English is excellent both written and spoken.

I am really confident I can be able to contribute to the Company. Herewith I enclose my:

  1. Copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate (S1)
  2. Academic Transcript
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  4. Recent Photograph (size 4×6)

I hope I could be a part of your Company, and Thank you for your attention.


[Tanda tangan dan nama terang]

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2. Surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris fresh graduate

Jakarta, June 30th 2022

Attention to: Human Resources
[Alamat perusahaan]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’ve read your job vacancy at [informasi lowongan berasal] and I found your Company is looking for employees for a [posisi yang dilamar] position. I believe that position is fit with my speciality from my education background as [latar belakang pendidikan].

My name is [nama pelamar], and I’m [umur pelamar] years old. I’m fresh graduated from [lulus jurusan dan asal universitas ]. My Specialization is [kemampuan]. I make sure I have qualifications as your company needs. I’ve good motivation, I can work together with the team, my communication is really good, and my english excellent both written and spoken.

I am really confident I can be able to contribute to the Company. Herewith I enclose my:

  1. Copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate (S1)
  2. Academic Transcript
  3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  4. Recent Photograph (size 4×6)

I hope I could be a part of your Company, and Thank you for your attention.


[Tanda tangan dan nama terang]

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