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Lagu (Song): Pengertian, Struktur, dan Kebahasaannya - 10/06/2022, 14:00 WIB
Serafica Gischa


  •  Alliteration (aliterasi)

Perulangan bunyi suara yang terdapat di awal setiap kata. Contohnya: Peter Parker pick a pack of pants punctually (Peter Parker mengganti setelan bajunya secara tepat waktu).

Contoh lagu dalam bahasa Inggris

Berikut contoh lagu bahasa Inggris beserta dengan struktur lagunya: 

Try Again

( Westlife )

[Verse 1]

Hush now don't you cry
There will be a better day
I promise you
We can work it out
But only if you let me know
What's on your mind


Baby, you thought it was forever
Through any kind of weather
But someday you will find what you're searching for


Try again
Never stop believing
Try again
Don't give up on your love
Stumble and fall
Is the heart of it all
When you fall down (down)
Just try again

 [Verse 2]

Smile now, let it go
Hey, you will never be alone
I promise you
If you can't fight the feeling (Oh yeah)
Surrender in your heart
Remember love will set you free


Baby, you thought it was forever
You would always be together
But someday you will find what you're searching for


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