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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu What (Versi Jepang) - Dreamcatcher - 13/02/2023, 15:23 WIB
Yohana Nabilla ,
Inas Twinda Puspita

Tim Redaksi

Vanish like scattering grains of sand
Break the doors open and escape
I wake up from a dream like walking out of a maze

I am looking for the answer in this nightmare
Please take my hand and lead me out of this dream
What, what, what, what, now
What, what, what, what wake up
What, what, what, what, alread
Break up, break up my dream

Tick tock tikita a floor that I cannot escape from
Tip toe tikita a game of tag mirror
Bang! Please believe that even if this dream breaks, we are
Just the two of us, wake up my dream

Because this is not a dream
Even if the clouds envelop me
You are the one I still keep seeing
But, why can’t I reach you?

I am looking for the answer in this nightmare
Please take my hand and lead me out of this dream
What, what, what, what, now
What, what, what, what wake up
What, what, what, what, already
Break up, break up my dream

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