Baca berita tanpa iklan. Gabung - 28/12/2022, 17:20 WIB
Yohana Nabilla ,
Rheisnayu Cyntara

Tim Redaksi

Swimming inside my room (Who you?)
Feeling good, I’m having so much fun (True)
Yeah babe Playing by myself to the fullest
Play proudly, play to my heart’s content
Like floating about all day

Close your eyes
Swim inside my imagination
Feeling bored, nope
Nobody can stop me, baby
Swim to the left, Swim to the right
Somehow, somehow I’m getting excited

Inside a square fishbowl, fishbowl
Yeah yeah (Ah-hoo)
I drew my own ocean
It’ll be a very fun secret place
So dot dot dot
I’m waiting for ya (Ah-hoo)

Worries go away with new thrills
Worries go away with imagined waves
Pick the colors I like and mix them
Whatever my hands touch
Whatever my heart feels I want to live

Close your eyes
Swim inside my imagination
Feeling stifled, nope
Nobody can stop me, baby
Exploring to the left, Exploring to the right
Somehow, somehow I’m getting excited

Inside a square fishbowl, fishbowl
Yeah yeah (Ah-hoo)
I drew my own ocean
It’ll be a very fun secret place
So dot dot dot
I’m waiting for ya

When I’m lying around here and there
I feel like the world is my oyster
Do you want to come over?
Come on over in secret?
It’ll be a real thrill, thrill

Inside a square fishbowl, fishbowl
Yeah yeah (Ah-hoo)
I drew my own ocean
It’ll be a very fun secret place
So dot dot dot
I’m waiting for ya

So dot dot dot
I’m waiting for ya


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