Baca berita tanpa iklan. Gabung - 07/07/2023, 10:00 WIB
Revlina Octavia Artrisdyanti,
Vanya Karunia Mulia Putri

Tim Redaksi Recount text merupakan teks yang menceritakan atau menginformasikan pengalaman seseorang.

Teks ini menggunakan kalimat past tense dengan conjunction dan time connectives, untuk mengurutkan peristiwa. Contohnya then, after that, before, dan sebagainya.

Recount text terdiri dari 3 struktur sebagai berikut:

  1. Orientation: berisi latar belakang tentang siapa, di mana, dan kapan peristiwanya terjadi
  2. Events: berisi peristiwa yang terjadi secara urut
  3. Re-orientation: berisi kesimpulan dan penutup cerita, juga opini penulis mengenai peristiwa yang diceritakan.

Contoh teks recount

Untuk lebih memahaminya, berikut contoh teks recount tentang idola beserta terjemahannya:

Seventeen’s Concert

On December 28, 2022, i visited the Seventeen: Be The Sun concert in Jakarta.

Baca juga: Contoh Teks Recount tentang Wawancara


Seventeen is the first K-pop idol that i liked to attend the concert. I was so enthusiastic and enjoyed the concert.

At that time, i came alone and did not know anyone. I got a new fellow Carat, Seventeen's fandom name.

I was so impressed when I saw Seventeen who was so handsome.

At first, I was afraid the concert would be canceled because it was raining heavily, but it turned out that Seventeen and Carat enjoyed the concert in the rain.

When Shadow started singing, i was limp and shaking because i was amazed by their visuals and voices. I smiled broadly seeing them singing under the rain which added to their handsomeness.

After that, Aju Nice Never Ending arrived. i and all the Carats screamed and jumped to enjoy the song. I got goosebumps hearing Seventeen's voice and Carat's screams live for the first time.

Baca juga: Contoh Recount Text tentang Liburan

Finally, Seventeen's concert was over. I don't regret making Seventeen's concert my first K-pop concert experience. It was an unforgettable experience and from that moment on, I liked Seventeen even more.


Konser Seventeen

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