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Lirik dan Terjemahan Holiday - Suzy ft Dpr Live - 26/12/2022, 15:30 WIB
Yohana Nabilla ,
Rheisnayu Cyntara

Tim Redaksi

The sky is the same as yesterday but
But the weather is better today
Maybe it’s my mood
Anyway, I feel like I can fall asleep like this

Like I’ll have a good dream
Maybe cuz
You’re here
I’m feeling so sleepy

Saying goodbye to my busy days
You’re telling me to rest
Like a lullaby
Like warm sunlight, wrap around me

Today is a holiday
I wanna be in your arms
All strength is leaving me
You’re my only resting place

Today, all day
I wanna stick close to you, come here
For my sweetest holiday

Coming to you live
Iite cool
These days (these days)
You’re working on your album
So you’re always busy (always busy)
I know it’s hard
But why aren’t you showing it? (why?)
I don’t like that
Let me go
Pick you up right now
I’ll wear that outfit you like
Then 30 minutes will pass
And when you open the door, I’ll be right there
Come into my arms, it’s okay
Let me be your holiday

Saying goodbye to my busy days
You’re telling me to rest
Like a lullaby
Like warm sunlight, wrap around me

Today is a holiday
I wanna be in your arms
All strength is leaving me
You’re my only resting place

Today, all day
I wanna stick close to you, come here
For my sweetest holiday
Sweetest holiday
Sweetest holiday


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