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Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Just a Crush Thing - Shakira Jasmine - 06/12/2022, 19:01 WIB
Arinta Putri ,
Inas Twinda Puspita

Tim Redaksi

Sumber YouTube

JAKARTA, -Just a Crush Thing” merupakan sebuah singel baru yang dilantunkan oleh aktris dan penyanyi tanah air, Shakira Jasmine.

Singel ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang pernah jatuh hati dengan sang pujaan hatinya secara diam-diam.

Lirik “Just a Crush Thing” diciptakan sendiri oleh Jasmine dan video klipnya kini sudah dapat disaksikan di Youtube resmi Musica Studios.

Baca juga: Lirik Lagu Meant 2 Be - Nuca dan Shakira Jasmine

Berikut ini lirik dan terjemahan lagu “Just a Crush Thing” dari Shakira Jasmine.

I like the way you talk
I love the way you see me
Stop it right there please, cause I’m not sure if it is special

I see the way you dress up
So neat and tidy, you’re so perfect
But not for me, again I’m not sure

Oh I know it’s just a dream that maybe you don’t even know who I am cause we haven’t talk that much, though I want you

I hope it’s true
It doesn’t have to be so soon to love me
Can’t you see that I exist? though I know it’s impossible
But still, I don’t care

I see the way you dress up
So neat and tidy, you’re so perfect
But not for me, again I’m not sure

Oh I know it’s just a dream that maybe you don’t even know who I am cause we haven’t talk that much
though I want you

I hope it’s true
It doesn’t have to be so soon to love me
That you want me and I want you
I hope it’s true
Lovin’ every move you make to love me
Can’t you see that I exist?though I know it’s impossible
But still, I don’t care

I don’t care

All your friends are the cool kids
And I’m the insecure kid
What am i doing
I should’ve just stop thinking bout you

(Thinking bout me, please call me soon) Oh i know it’s not too late
To realize
(You know i want you)
All of this just a crush thing

Oh.. woo..
It doesn’t have to be so soon to love me
Can’t you see that I exist
I hope it’s true
It doesn’t have to be so soon to love me
Can’t you see that I exist

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