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Lirik Lagu Reach Out, Singel Baru dari Red Hot Chili Peppers - 18/10/2022, 17:15 WIB
Arinta Putri ,
Rheisnayu Cyntara

Tim Redaksi

Sumber azlyrics

I'ma bruiser and I do not mind
Someone better reach out
Climb a mountain time
Someone better reach out
Get it on the line

Feel my call the lexicon makes its
Own way, own way
Break this fall, the excellence has it's
Own say, own say

Hazard pay for a canceled bear
Bygone Sally
With the greasy hair

Hard as nails but soft to wear
Rooftop crops up
And a folding chair

Pay your thug store Hench
Mugshot daddy
With the golden wrench

Locomotive smoke to cover up what's broke
Please don't seize me
Until you get my joke

I'ma lose it if I do not find
Someone better reach out
Find a steady shine
Someone better reach out
Get it on the line

I'ma bruiser and I do not mind
Someone better reach out
Climb a mountain time
Someone better reach out
Get it on the line

I'ma lose it if I do not find
Someone better reach out
Find a steady shine
Someone better reach out
Get it on the line


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