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Daftar Film yang Tayang di World Cinema Week 2022 - 23/09/2022, 11:03 WIB
Cynthia Lova,

Tim Redaksi

Cannes Alumni

1. Holy Spider
2. War Pony
3. Boy From Heaven
4. Tori & Lokita
5. Falcon Lake
6. Zero Fukcs Given
7. Hit The Road
8. Imagine
9. Gagarine
10. Olga
11. Sick of Myself
12. Skies of Lebanon
13. Butterly Vision

Venice Alumni

1. No Bears
2. Reflections
3. Mandibles

Berlinale Absolventern

1. Call Jane
2. Rimini
3. Summer 1993
4. Girl Picture
5. Incroyable Mais Vrai

Annecy Animated

1. Le Petit Nicolas
2. Unicorn Wars
3. Calamity, a Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary
4. Lamya's Poem

South by Southwest

1. Shiva Baby
2. Inbetween Girl

Windows to The World

1. The Wandering Moon
2. Miss Viborg
3. Faithfull
4. Maya Nilo (Laura)
5. The Translator
6. The Legend of Moly Johnson
7. Nobody Has to Know
8. The Rose Maker
9. Notra-Dame On Fire
10. The Child
11. Huda’s Salon
12. The Execution
13. Grey Eyes
14. 15 Ways to Kill Your
15. Russian Raid
16. Walnut Tree
17. Pixie
18. The Girl With The Golden Hands
19. The Comeback Trail
20. Prizefighter

Night Scrimmer

1. Piggy
2. Family Dinner
3. Moloch
4. Allegoria
5. Hitam

KF Production

1. Cross The Line
2. Anoksia

KF Remastered Classics

1. Misteri Banyuwangi
2. Akibat Guna Guna Istri Muda
3. Bayi Ajaib

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