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Lirik Lagu Cutting It Close, Lagu Baru dari Iron & Wine

Lagu tersebut diciptakan sendiri oleh Iron & Wine dan dimuat dalam album baru yang diberi nama Light Verse.

Album bergenre pop folk tersebut dirilis secara resmi pada 26 April 2024 melalui label Sub Pop Records.

Berikut ini lirik lagu ”Cutting It Close” dari Iron & Wine:

Long-lost friend of mine

I know we only fucked a couple of times

Love owes nothing to us

Nobody's perfect or as dumb as their luck

Kissing this, kissing that

I'm kissing anybody kissing me back

Time likes pulling my teeth

I never knew how many teeth I would need

So it goes and it goes

It doesn't matter but it's cutting it close

Anyway, life is long (life is so long)

Could be a little longer don't get me wrong

And its lights won't leave me alone

Crooked fingers keep pointing me home

Going here, going there (I guess we're going there)

I'm leaving heaven but I couldn't say where

Love keeps ringing a bell

Clear water for the well in myself

Or just a hand for the glove

It doesn't matter 'til it totally does

(It doesn't matter 'til it totally does)

Miracles never cease

Depending on which ones you believe

I've stopped holding my breath

People are passing out hoping for less

Anyway, how you been

Look at everybody twist in the wind

Time just does what it does

I only wish it wouldn't do it to us

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