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Lirik dan Chord Lagu Burn Rubber - Bright Eyes

Lagu tersebut muncul di dalam album studio ketujuh mereka yang bertajuk Digital Ash in a Digital Urn.

Album yang berisikan 12 trek tersebut dirilis pada tahun 2005 melalui label Saddle Creek Records.

Berikut ini lirik dan chord lagu “Burn Rubber” dari Bright Eyes.

Well if you turn the porch light off and let the marble night withdraw you can smoke a
cigarette on the wooden steps

mosquitoes are not vampires the moon is not your mother


even if she is preparing for a total eclipse,

G                                            F                            C
get behind the wheel stay in front of the storm.
G                                            F                            C
Get behind the wheel stay in front of the storm.
The clouds dream disorder they make faces they make mud on some ancient order which is
no longer enforced
F                                                                                                                            C
the sugar bowl is full of ants your sister is a dumpy mess and we're cutting off your
head despite your shoulders.
G                                            F                            C
Get behind the wheel stay in front of the storm.
Just get behind the wheel stay in front of the storm.

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