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Lirik dan Chord Lagu Sunday - The Cranberries

Lagu bergenre rock tersebut dirilis pada 1993 melalui label Island Records.

“Sunday” muncul dalam album studio pertama mereka yang bertajuk Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?.

Berikut ini lirik dan chord lagu “Sunday” dari The Cranberries:

F                   C                   F
Oh do you know where to go
                  C F                            C   
where to go something on your mind
                                 F                                   C F
wanna leave me behind wanna leave me behind

F                                 C
You're spinning me around
My feet are off the ground
I don't know where I stand
Do you have to hold my hand
You mystify me
You mystify me
You mystify me

And I didn't find the words
To say I love you
And I couldn't find the time
To say I need you
It wouldn't come out right
It wouldn't come out right
It just came out all wrong

Oh you're spinning me around
My feet are off the ground
I don't know where I stand
Do you have to hold my hand?
You mystify me
You mystify me
You mystify me

Oh, do you know
Where to go?
Where to go? Oh...
Something on your mind
Wanna leave me behind
Wanna leave me behind

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