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Lirik Lagu Woofin’ and Meowin’, Singel Baru dari Superorganism

Singel tersebut muncul sebagai salah satu soundtrack untuk serial HouseBroken spesial Natal.

“Woofin’ and Meowin’” kini sudah dapat didengarkan di berbagai layanan streaming musik digital.

Berikut ini lirik lagu ”Woofin’ and Meowin’” dari Superorganism: 

I'm in the doghouse
'Cause I let the cat out
Of the stupid bag
Like every winter
I like to chicken out
Or drop off like a fly
Somethings smelling mighty fishy
This time of year
Monkey see monkey do
Hold your horses I'll take two

Woofin' around woofin' about
I'm gonna make you a mess 'cause I love you
When you're meowin' around meowin' about
I can't help but be myself so why can't you

I'm in the doghouse
'Cause I let the cat out
Of the stupid bag
Like every winter
I like to chicken out
Or drop off like a fly
Somethings smelling mighty fishy
This time of year
Monkey see monkey do
Hold your horses I'll take two

Woofin' around woofin' about
I'm gonna make you a mess cus I love you
When you're meowin' around, meowin' about
I can't help but be myself so why can't you

I'm in the doghouse
In the doghouse
In the doghouse

Woofin' around woofin' about
I'm gonna make you a mess 'cause I love you
When you're meowin' around meowin' about
I can't help but be myself so why can't you

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