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Lirik dan Chord Lagu I See Houses dari The Verve

Lagu bergenre indive/alternative tersebut pada 2008 melalui label EMI dan ON YOUR OWN.

"I See Houses" muncul dalam album studio keempat mereka yang bertajuk Forth.

Berikut ini lirik dan chord lagu "I See Houses" dari The Verve.

Verses: Am, F, G, Em, G, Em, F, Dm.

Chorus: F, Em, Dm, Em, F, Em, Dm, Em.

[Verse 1]
I see houses
Rows and rows of red bricks
I see black cars
Some blood-stained exit

I get this feeling that I
I've been here before
How many lives will I waste?
How many tears must I taste
Before my freedom?
Before my freedom?

[Verse 2]
I see mountains
Blood-red sunsets
I see a billion stars
Love deafened and betrayed

I get this feeling that I
I've been here before
How many lives will I waste?
How many tears must I taste
Before my freedom?
Before my freedom?

[Bridge 1]
I won't be late, won't be late
I won't be late, won't be late
I won't be late, won't be late

I get this feeling that I
I've been here before
How many lives will I waste?
How many tears must I taste?

Before my freedom?
I get this feeling that I
I've been here before
How many lives will I waste?
How many tears must I taste?
Before my freedom?

[Bridge 2]
It's just this murder
Trouble and strife
Turning me into another guy
It's just murder
Trouble and strife
Turning me into another guy

Don't be late
Don't be late
Don't be late
When I call you up
When I call you up

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