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Lirik Lagu Honey Honey - Project Pop

Disebutkan bahwa judul lagu yang berasal dari kata "madu" dalam bahasa Inggris memberikan harapan bahwa Project Pop dapat menjaga imunitas para pendengar selama pandemi.

Lagu beraliran reggae tersebut diproduseri langsung oleh seluruh anggota Project Pop.

Simak lirik lagu "Honey Honey" dari Project Pop berikut ini.

Hey, you know the love don't cost a thing,
Except a lot of tears and waste a years
Forget who hurt you, dumped you yesterday, woho woho

You better wake up
Even you broke up
Don't ever give up
To find a new love
Make you're days be always full laugh and love

You better wake up
Even you broke up
Don't ever give up
Let's make a new start
Cross my heart your life will full laugh and love

You're the light
Shine so bright
Just believe that love will heal broken heart
You always nice
Yes I like
You're the only one make me feel alright

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
my life is wonderful because of you baby
Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, driving me crazy

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
my days are colorful because of you baby
Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, driving me crazy

As u walk to the valley of the death yo
And realize that nothing left yo
I took a chance to be the one who help your way, way yo
Why don’t u, why don’t we
Why not talk about it while drink coffee
You will realize that truly, I am your future

You better wake up
Even you broke up
Don't ever give up
Let's make a new start
Cross my heart your life will full laugh and love

You're the light
Shine so bright
Just believe that love will heal broken heart
You always nice
Yes I like
You're the only one make me feel alright

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
my life is wonderful because of you baby
Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, driving me crazy

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
my days are colorful because of you baby
Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, driving me crazy

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
my life is wonderful because of you baby
Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, driving me crazy

Because you're honey honey honey honey honey
You are so lovely, I think I'm crazy

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