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Lirik dan Chord Lagu Jackson - Johnny Cash feat. June Carter Cash

Lagu ini menjadi bagian dalam album duet Johnny Cash bersama June Carter Cash yang berjudul Carryin' on With Johnny Cash and June Carter.

Album tersebut berisi 11 lagu yang dibawakan oleh pasangan suami-istri Cash.

Berikut ini lirik dan chord lagu "Jackson" dari Johnny Cash dan June Carter Cash.

[Verse 1]

We got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout
C                                                    C7
We've been talking 'bout Jackson ever since the fire went out
C                        F                                C 
I'm going to Jackson, gonna mess around
C                                  F        G7                     C
yeah, I'm going to Jackson, look out Jackson town

[Verse 2]

Go on down to Jackson, go ahead and wreck your health
C                                                                                  C7
Go play your hand, you big talking man, and make a big fool of yourself
C                          F                           C
Yeah, go to Jackson, go comb your hair
C                            F                         G7         C
Yeah, I'm gonna snow ball Jackson, see if I care

[Verse 3]

When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow
C                                                   C7
all them women gonna make me teach 'em what they don't know how
C                             F                                     C
aw, I'm going to Jackson, turn aloose of my coat,
C                                 F            G7                               C
yeah, I'm going to Jackson, goodbye, that's all she wrote

[Verse 4]

I'm gonna laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a pony keg
C                                                                                 C7
they'll lead ya round town like a scalded hound, with your tail tucked between your legs
C                       F                                C
yeah, go to Jackson, you big talking man
C                                    F           G7                              C
and I'll be waiting in Jackson, behind my jaypan(Japan) fan

[Verse 5]

We got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout
C                                                    C7
We've been talking 'bout Jackson ever since the fire went out
C                           F                        C
I'm going to Jackson, and that's a fact
C                               F         G7                         C
yeah, I'm going to Jackson, ain't never comin' back

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