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Lirik Lagu U. dari Niteboi yang Sedang Trending di Spotify

Lagu "U." dirilis secara independen oleh Niteboi sebagai sebuah singel.

Niteboi adalah musikus yang bermula dari aplikasi Soundcloud.

Berikut ini lirik lagu "U." dari Niteboi.

You love me and I love you
Your heart hurts, mine does too
And it's just words,?and?they cut deep
But?it's our world, it's just us?two
I say: "Fuck you, I hate you
I'll move out in?a?heartbeat"
And?I leave out,?and you call?me
And tell me that you're sorry

You love me and I love you
Your heart hurts, mine does too
And it's just words, and they cut deep
But it's our world, it's just us two
I say: "Fuck you, I hate you
I'll move out in a heartbeat"
And I leave out, and you call me
And tell me that you're sorry

You love me and I love you
Your heart hurts, mine does too
And it's just words, and they cut deep
But it's our world, it's just us two
I say: "Fuck you, I hate you
I'll move out in a heartbeat"
And I leave out, and you call me
And tell me that you're sorry

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