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Podcast-mu Sepi Pendengar? Lakukan 5 Hal Ini
Promosi podcast sangat penting karena bisa membantu meningkatkan keberadaan podcast-mu dan memperluas jangkauan audiensmu.
Pendengar Podcast di Spotify Naik 50 Persen
Pendengar Podcast di Spotify Naik 50 Persen
Podcast agaknya makin digemari. Jumlah pendengarnya di Spotify diklaim tumbuh 50 persen dari kuartal sebelumnya tahun ini.
Pendapatan dari Podcast Bakal Tembus Rp 14 Triliun
Pendapatan dari Podcast Bakal Tembus Rp 14 Triliun
Podcast alias siaran audio digital lewat internet belakangan kembali naik daun, termasuk di Indonesia.
Pandora Gelar Rekomendasi Podcast di Android dan iOS
Pandora Gelar Rekomendasi Podcast di Android dan iOS
Ada ratusan podcast dengan lebih dari 100.000 episode lintas genre yang akan dipersonalisasi sesuai pilihan pengguna.
Unlocking Podcast 03 - Emil Salim: The Future of Sustainable Energy in Indonesia
Unlocking Podcast 03 - Emil Salim: The Future of Sustainable Energy in Indonesia
Unlocking Podcast 03 | The Future of Sustainable Energy in Indonesia | Prominent Economist and Environmentalist Professor Emil Salim Welcome to episode 03 of the podcast series namely Unlocking produced by Our podcast will discuss various topics on a life journey, achievements, lessons learned, and the leadership of the people from various fields of expertise or interest in Indonesia. As Indonesia holds the 2022 presidency of the G20, the country’s prominent economist and environmentalist Professor Emil Salim sat with to share his views on various environmental issues. This includes how nature can teach people to survive, the progress of the sustainable energy program in Indonesia, and what needs to be done to achieve Indonesia’s new target of reducing carbon emissions by 29 percent by 2030. Stay safe and stay connected. This interview was taken place on February 24, 2022. #Unlocking #GOKOMPAS #G20 #G20Highlights #EmilSalim #ProminentEconomist #Environmentalist

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