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Lirik Lagu So Long, London, Lagu Terbaru dari Taylor Swift - 19/04/2024, 14:30 WIB
Arinta Putri ,
Rheisnayu Cyntara

Tim Redaksi

Sumber Genius

You'll find someone

[Verse 2]

I didn't opt in to be your odd man out

I founded the club she's heard great things about

I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the H?ath

I stopped CPR, after all it's no use

Th? spirit was gone, we would never come to

And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free



For so long, London

Stitches undone

Two graves, one gun

I'll find someone

[Verse 3]

And you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it

My white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment

And my friends said it isn't right to be scared

Every day old love affair, every breath feels like rarest air

When you're not sure if he wants to be there


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